Smart Nutrition

Differences Between the Keto and Paleo Diets


The keto and paleo diets are both popular diet choices. They’re both based on eating a high-fat, low-carb diet and have many health benefits. However, one of the most important things to remember when deciding which diet is best for you is that no one diet can work for everyone—you’ll have to find what works for your body.

The keto and paleo diets are both popular diet choices

Both the keto and paleo diets are popular diets. They have their benefits, but before you choose one or the other, it’s important to understand what each offers. The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat (KH) diet that has been proven effective in treating epilepsy and some types of cancer cells. It also helps with weight loss because your body burns more calories when it consumes fewer carbs than usual—for example, if you’re on a Keto diet instead of eating at home every day for lunch instead of having sandwiches or fast food burgers all week long! The paleo diet doesn’t contain any sugars or grains like breads made out of wheat flour which makes them ideal for people who want lose weight without sacrificing their favorite foods such as pasta salad salads made with olive oil dressing over lettuce leaves topped off by tomatoes slices red peppers green onions artichoke hearts etcetera; however there are still some limitations since some fruits such as apples bananas oranges pineapples grapes limes lemons strawberries blueberries cranberries blackberries avocado pine nut cocoa powder vanilla extract chocolate chips sweeteners stevia liquid stevia extracts do fall under these guidelines although most experts agree this isn’t necessary if you don’t suffer from diabetes type 2

The keto diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet

The keto diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. The goal of the ketogenic lifestyle is to induce a state called ketosis. This occurs when your body uses fat as its primary source of energy instead of carbohydrates or protein (1).

The primary macronutrient in the keto diet is fat, which makes up about 70% of your daily calories (2). It can be either saturated or unsaturated and comes in many different forms: animal fats like butter and lard; vegetable oils like coconut oil; monounsaturated fats like olive oil; polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements; trans fats found in processed foods made with partially hydrogenated oils; trans fatty acids generally considered harmful since they increase LDL cholesterol levels (3); SFA’s—the main type found in meat products—which can raise HDL cholesterol levels but may also raise total serum cholesterol levels if consumed excessively over long periods of time by people at risk for heart disease due to their high consumption patterns during adolescence/young adulthood periods when eating habits are formed early on.”

The paleo diet is a moderate protein, moderate fat, and moderate carbs diet

The Paleo diet is a moderate protein, moderate fat, and moderate carbs diet. This means that it’s high in protein, low in carbohydrates and very little else. Protein is essential for muscle building and repair; you’ll need more of it if your goal is weight loss or maintenance.

The paleo approach to eating also includes high levels of fat from healthy sources like avocados or olive oil instead of processed foods filled with trans fats—a type of fatty acid found in many junk foods which leads to bad cholesterol levels while also increasing the risk for heart disease (1).

Both diets have health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation

Both the ketogenic and paleo diets have health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation.

The keto diet is low in carbs, which helps you lose weight by regulating your metabolism and keeping hunger at bay. On the other hand, the paleo diet is moderate in carbs (10% or less), so it’s easier for people to follow if they’re trying to maintain their weight loss goals or gain muscle mass.

Some people with autoimmune conditions need to be strict with some paleo foods

If you have an autoimmune condition, such as Hashimoto’s or type 1 diabetes, it can be hard to lose weight. The body uses fat for energy and produces excess cortisol when stressed, which causes your body to store fat instead of using it for energy.

Some people with autoimmune conditions need to be strict with some paleo foods because they raise inflammation levels in their bodies by changing their gut flora (the bacteria that live in your intestines) or by feeding them on grains and dairy products. This can make symptoms worse instead of better!

The best individualized diet depends on your goals and your body

  • Paleo is a good starting point. It’s easy to get started, and you can eat real food.
  • Keto is also a good starting point. It allows for more flexibility in your eating habits, since you’re allowed to eat any meat or animal product (including eggs). You also have more freedom when it comes to what kinds of fats and proteins are allowed in your diet—the only restriction is that they must be organic and grass-fed whenever possible!

Both diets have their pros and cons: Paleo is easier because it doesn’t require much effort; however, it may not give your body everything it needs if you haven’t been eating enough vegetables or fiber on a daily basis before switching over from one system into another (which happens often). On the other hand, Keto requires planning ahead so that there isn’t anything left over when everyone else is done with dinner but you haven’t eaten anything yet yourself—and sometimes even then there could still be some leftover food sitting around after everyone else has finished eating!

Choosing the right diet means understanding how it will affect you personally

The right diet for you is based on your goals and needs. What are your health issues? Do you need to lose weight, gain muscle, or just want to feel better overall? What is your lifestyle like in terms of exercise, sleep quality, stress levels—and all other factors that affect the way we function each day?

If these questions don’t answer themselves (or if they do), then it’s time to take some time off from thinking about food and nutrition altogether. Instead of focusing on what type of diet will work best for YOU specifically (a Paleo Diet vs Keto Diet), ask yourself: “What do I want out of life?” Maybe this means taking up running so that every morning when I wake up my first thought isn’t whether or not I’m allowed to have another slice of pizza at lunchtime; maybe it means making sure my kids eat their fruits and vegetables before they even get out of bed; maybe it means eating less than five pounds per week so as not only prevent disease but also look good naked…again…


It’s always a good idea to take your health into consideration when making a dietary change. That doesn’t mean that you have to follow one specific diet forever, but it can be helpful to know what kind of diet might work best for you in the long run. The keto and paleo diets both have their benefits and drawbacks, so choose whichever one works best for your lifestyle!

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